Sunday, 8 December 2024

Stage: A gleeful panto mashup

Potted Panto
by Daniel Clarkson, Jefferson Turner, Richard Hurst
director Richard Hurst
with Daniel Clarkson, Jefferson Turner, Marie-Claire Wood, Sammy Johnson
sets Simon Scullion • costumes Nicky Bunch
music Phil Innes • lighting Tim Mascall
Wilton's Music Hall, London • 4.Dec.24-4.Jan.25

First staged in 2010, this show has become a perennial hit with audiences for the way it cleverly mashes up Britain's holiday pantomime tradition into a high-energy comedy extravaganza. And even after more than a decade, Potted Panto still has the feel of improvised chaos in the way it weaves together a blinding array of hilarious references, from classic shows to comical riffs on this week's news headlines. Indeed, creator-stars Dan and Jeff show no signs of slowing down.

The idea is to take the audience on a whistle-stop tour of Christmas pantomimes, as the intentional Jeff introduces the six key fairy tales that are retold in these stage productions each year. Although the clownish Dan wants to include other classics like Mary Poppins, A Christmas Carol, The Sound of Music and the John Lewis Christmas advert. After a brisk history of panto traditions, the first up is Jack and the Beanstalk, although since all the roles are being played by the two of them, Dan can only play the back half of Jack's cow. He also does the traditional gender swap to play Jack's mother ... as Dame Barbara Cartland.

In Dick Whittington, the panto tradition of audience call-and-response comes into play, plus a gorgeous fairy surprise (Wood). Sleeping Beauty introduces the ghost gag (it's behind you!) and Dan's ridiculously preening Prince Charming, who pops up again in both Cinderella and Snow White, which is performed, more or less, in traditional rhyme. Finally, Dan subverts Jeff's attempt to play out Aladdin by turning it into A Christmas Carol instead.

All of this is performed as a riot of physical slapstick and cheeky vulgarity, with a fiendishly clever stage set, quick-change costumes and wigs galore. The script is packed with a constant stream of meta gags, plus the expected double entendres, puns (sheik your booty), wacky musical numbers and constant malapropisms (a moose lays the golden egg). There's a 3D chase through the woods that involves Santa and a water gun. Children in the audience come up with the final punishments for the villains. And of course it ends with a big singalong.

Frankly, this is the kind of show that you wouldn't mind watching each year, as it brings together everything you love about pantos with a fresh blast of chaotic energy. And we don't have to worry about the over-familiar plots, because Dan and Jeff subvert them hilariously with a constant barrage of surprises, twists and knowing gags that play beautifully on the joys of live theatre. So in the end, it's both a celebration of a centuries-old musical-comedy artform and a gleefully silly night out.

photos by Geraint Lewis • 6.Dec.24

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